
TODAY WE had the pleasure to sail with a seasoned blue water sailor  This boy has sailed the world TWO times…..,,,would you believe once …how about sailed around Bruny island   Dennis has also sailed exotic places like puddle duck  and now the best of places LAUDERDALE CANAL  with the best  of the best  …his words ..sorta if he had thought of it   lots of boats today including the blak pekka   designed when the sinker was at his height of depravity  ( since retired  ) 95s and 65s were in abundance  Dennis sailed a 95 like a seasoned truck driver   A BIONICS hand was found floating in the canal at the sunny end it was duly retrieved an we will return it to its owner at the wheel chair end  when next we sail  (probably doesn’t need it as their all spoon fed down there so I hear )  did miss the sinker today as a new member he usually sails with us  must still be crook  all in all a fair ol day