
What a lovely bunch of wheel chair people  We the floaters group visited the mob from the other end to just say merry christmas  an not a single wheel chair was in sight an no incontinence pads were seen either  maybe the real mob comes later in the day ?what ever … sailing was rough strange winds strong winds an indifferent  winds an rain can’t forget the rain   After the fun sailing we tottered off to the BBQ an who was there  give ya a few minutes to guess ……………………………………………………………………the wheelchair mob  yep they were just finishing as we arrived so we all had a singalong most of the songs were in the 30s but we mouthed alot of them  such a jolly lot… frail but strong in spirit an maybe the spirit was gin /vodka…all in all a nice way to finish up …………………………………………………………just sayn