
We were looking forward to our last day sailing for this year  with our new old friends THE WHEEL CHAIR MOB   the cars were there heaps of em  BUT  they were not the wheel chair mobs cars for they were havin the day off  so we were told by the sinker who turned up at the pontoon requesting sailing lessons and to renew his application for membership into our exclusive  group   (BOTH were denied  because of his continuing aggression towards our fleet ).never the less we participated in banter with the scourge of the canal  because were nice people  .  several races were conducted with strict racing rules according to the floaters race rule book  all members were very obedient to our standards and sailed accordingly the fleet will now use the holiday period to repair their craft readying for next year  I had the pleasure of  the company of my grandson  at the pontoon for his first ever sailing experience without fear of the sinker sneaking up  and destroying his first real memorable  sail day with his gramps and as a further lesson I introduced the boy to his nemesis  the scourge himself in the flesh on the pontoon and he was afraid  …very afraid but that will pass…. like wind ..so much nicer when its gone .  we finished our sailing in the usual form at the BBQ  were we told storys lied some an ate cake 🎂  That dear readers is how our Chrissie sail day finished .  The floaters group wishes you all the very best for next year .  Stay safe  keep away from the sinker an have a great Chrissie ……………………………………………………………….just sayn