› RC AIRCRAFT › FLYING › Flying @ “The Field” › Flying @ the Field 2022 › Yet another Sunday Fly-In on a perfect Autumn day. › Reply To: Yet another Sunday Fly-In on a perfect Autumn day.
Thanks for the comments Tug, always appreciated. Been a little while since we heard from WA. How is it all going over your neck of the woods?
Its always a challenge to come up with something different when videoing from onboard planes but near on impossible to video from the ground when you are flying, We’ve tried lots of options but a decent zoom camera is the only thing that really cuts the mustard. Hat Cams, TX Cams, fixed cams etc just can’t get close enough to the action.
Still waiting for Kermit’s contribution from Sunday. He spent more time on his camera than he did flying so it should be a beauty (and probably length wise a match for “War & Peace”)