› RC AIRCRAFT › FLYING › Flying @ “The Field” › Flying @ the Field 2022 › Friday Fly-In to finish off the week › Reply To: Friday Fly-In to finish off the week
Thanks for the feedback Gerald.
Yes, V1 is quick & easy to set up but very limited in what you can do.
I think V2 will be the better option and we can still set up a fairly generic voting page so that video links etc don’t need to be changed all the time.
V2 also has a built in calendar function so voting stops automatically after 3 days (or whatever you set). You can also set a start date etc as well.
I think I’ve now sorted out the 2K video upload to YouTube, like you said you wouldn’t want to hold your breath while YT processes it though.
Unless it is significantly better on the big screen I’ll go back to 1080P as editing 2K is a pain on my old PC and 4K is virtually impossible.