RC AIRCRAFT FLYING Flying Elsewhere Flying – NOT at Toad Hall Airstrip Reply To: Flying – NOT at Toad Hall Airstrip


DEAR UNCLE G    I have been in dated with emails and  telephone calls requesting that TGFS  gives you one years worth of flying lessons  FREE   due to your carer duties to the wheel chair mob , after talking with TGFS managers  we have decided to give you this free one year coarse  totally  free but wait there’s more we will give you another six months absolutely free because of your known deficiency  We want the best for you  BUT WAIT there’s even more  if you ring in the next 2 minutes we will give you absolutely Free no strings attached  2 steak knifes  Chinese sharpened guaranteed to outlast 2 cuts        Ring now  happiness awaits you   Regards    KERMIT LA FROG