RC BOATING SCALE BOATS Boating Scale Boats Electric Playing With Boats in the Canal Reply To: Playing With Boats in the Canal


FIRSTLY  allow me to defend myself against the malicious fabricated unsubstantiated ferfe’s the sinker has put forth  I arrived at the sunny end at 9 41 +2 sec  and promptly rigged my boats for a battle that the sinker had  foreshadowed  would be taking place unfortunately after a short time on the water both rudder and winch servo decided  that they weren’t up to the battle and retired  From 10 till 12 o’clock  we had perfect weather Sun  , light to soft winds caressing the sails on 95 AND 65S  with boats parting the crystal clear water in brillant burning sunlight  so I ask where did the sinker fathom up the idea that the weather was less than ideal ?   with fruity  up at our end for a very long time  perhaps the sinker is conjuring  up a story on his lieutenant as well so he can win back support he has lost with the wheelchair members …………………………………………………….just sayn