RC BOATING SCALE BOATS Boating Scale Boats Electric Saturday Boating 30th Sept. 2023 Reply To: Saturday Boating 30th Sept. 2023


WHAT HAPPENED ,WELL you might ask Fruity and the Sinker turned up at the sunny end asking for membership both are being fast tracked question have they both been tossed out of their wheel chairs ? two races were completed  using a new method of recording wins using numbers assigned to each skipper  Race one THIRD WAS FIRST FORTH WAS SECOND FIRST WAS THIRD SECOND WAS FORTH FIFTH RAN AGROUND  SECOND RACE   forth was second third was first second was third first was fifth fifth went home   NO MR Moo today AN NO GEORGIE ..NOW heres the thing at the BBQ the gentle giant was asked why he wears a shoulder belly strap  according to him he likes to be hoisted up off the ground and …..get this whipped  yep his words  an who does the whippin  why MRS giant its MARVELLOUS  what a donut with cream can get outa of a fella personally I would just eat the donut  anyway a good day sailing and BBQ truth tellin …………………………………………………………just sayn