RC AIRCRAFT FLYING Flying @ “The Field” Flying @ the Field 2023 A fine Mid Week Fly-In Reply To: A fine Mid Week Fly-In


Tell me anyone Why would two sensible highly  thought of  interviduals go to the dark side I can understand fruity being there but two of our own  I of course alude to the use of turps /kero/ metho /petrol or what ever powers these noisy wiz bang motors……. we have  advanced to electric motors nowadays … hallo..  knock knock…  electric ..purhaps its a age thing like going back to your youth or maybe its like a virus you will get over it  arhhh well …MY motor car is now working fine with a fully charged battery 🔋  an the dragons happy she has her car back I did notice the sinker wasnt his usual bubby self the distemper tablets musta kicked in  an the hangman  (gentle giant) was sporting a new set of hanging braces after his last lot broke …. very nice    MY pick of the videos would be predators bix sport 11………… what say you………………………………………………………………………..just sayn