RC BOATING SCALE BOATS Boating Scale Boats Electric First Boating For 2014 Reply To: First Boating For 2014


WHERE’S FRUITY …WHERE’S FRUITY …THATS WHAT IM HEARING  we gentlemen sailors do miss real content on the wheelchair mobs site  an from whom do you get that from… WELL … FRUITY of course without  the real action man what do you have …………………..nothing …………..exactly…bring back fruity We the floaters group will supply a sail boat to fruity  if he cares to switch sides an after a sail training period from TOP GUN FLIGHT SCHOOL  ( Sailing section ) HE WILL BE APPRECIATED and  adopted as a worthy member of our esteem group …ps ..stick in there MR SINKER someone else may fill the void fruity has exposed in your videos ………………..but not just yet ……………………………………………………………..just sayn