RC AIRCRAFT FLYING Flying @ “The Field” Flying @ The Field 2024 IM IN CHARGE Reply To: IM IN CHARGE


WHAT A FANTASTIC DAY FOR FLYING  ol seaside picked a gooden  nice breeze til 11.30 then a wee tad of a breeze   by 12 we were nackered tuckered out  stuffed  tired  an so after the BBQ THAT WAS IT    We had  THE SINKER always a pleasure to have then Sea side Mitch, Gadget, Fruity.an  little ol me  Not a bad turn out  my thanks goes to my NEW BEST CAMERA MAN who leaves the camera in one piece after he uses it unlike whats his name….. fine work is produced by him  hardly any cutting to do again unlike thinga marjig whats his name who when he steals the camera films utter dribble that takes hours to cut to get 5 seconds of film  arhhhhh the joy of this new fella GADGET   ………………………………….just sayn