RC BOATING YACHTING Sailing at Puddleduck Sailing @ Puddleduck 2019 Next thing .… Reply To: Next thing .…


I’m afraid I must agree with Kermit that its getting looking like getting way too complicated, the Risdon sailors will love the rules (and there is nothing wrong with that) but that is what you may well be heading for, Risdon at another venue, just like Montrose.

Rules or lack thereof never hindered fun sailing @ Lauderdale, DSS, Cygnet, Franklin, Kellevie & I’m sure the list goes on. These sites are just guys & gals enjoying the hobby of RC sailing without all the baggage, just for fun.

If you had stopped at Rule 1 then that would have been a good starting point. Wait till all the NON sailors fully understand and comply with that one then if absolutely necessary introduce another and so on.

Suits some, probably not others.

Just my 2 bobs worth.

Note: I will be off line till next Monday so no doubt will have plenty of hot discussion to catch up with then.