› RC BOATING › YACHTING › Sailing at Puddleduck › Sailing @ Puddleduck 2019 › Next thing .… › Reply To: Next thing .…
DICKY cobber, your right of couse Risdon brook dam and others sail by the rule book to the letter and my friend that is not what we want at the pond non competitive sailors at the pond like most of us o’l farts do not go to Risdon or the other places because of that reason because were happy at the pond once a week doing our thing with a set of rules that that are sensible and easy to understand that’s why right now were getting it down …we just do not want to compete with others that live an need rules to run their life /fun think of it as a stranger comes to a our pond to play finds how we sail he can stay or go his choice members of our little group I believe have been looking for Shangra-La as another venue for the 65 and 95 to race against ourselves and other like minded o’l farts we have found it at the pond lets not turn it into Risdon brook or other rule in-festered die hard places … we have a few members that do sail at those other places they know the rules an they still sail there when ever but you know what cobber when they come back we hear of the back biting the nastiness of some of the members the cheating is that fun sailing might be to them win… at any cost .our philosophy have fun ..once a week now you might be thinking well what about the competition coming at the pond I guess those of us that are going to compete will in fact try to grasp the complexities of the rules and will compete under them but those die hard rules will be deleted from our memories after the meet I assure you