RC BOATING YACHTING Sailing @ Lauderdale Canal Sailing & Boating @ Lauderdale Canal 2019 IOM Sailing with the Marine Modellers Group 9-6-19 Reply To: IOM Sailing with the Marine Modellers Group 9-6-19


OH MY GOD  PREDATOR     you the man             great to hear that she sails so well  but an its a big but  when the ol thing an I went past  why were most or all of the sailors  carrying white walking sticks and hanging on to the arms of others  you were the only one without a stick or a helper  soooo my question is…….  is this a fair representation of the sailing members  you were up against an you still came  fifth an fourth  an lets not forget the magnificent third  an yes the boat is 21 years old  but the paint is not yet a month old  a bit more tweaking  maybe needed  but as a seasoned sailor perhaps a few quite lessons at the royal toadhall yacht club  would be helpful  just ring up Admiral kermit la frog for an appointment    A FINE EFFORT   keep  trying     REGARDS  KERMIT   PS  bring along uncle G  sounds like the boy needs some help to