RC BOATING YACHTING Sailing at Puddleduck Sailing @ Puddleduck 2019 Puddleduck Vineyard Racing 09/07/‘19 Reply To: Puddleduck Vineyard Racing 09/07/‘19


Today I was intimidated  by a boootiful woman ( sue ) not by her damn good looks but by her voice   I was afraid  I was very afraid   her poor hubby was late in putting his boat in the pond  when boooming across the water came   “PUT THE BOAT IN THE WATER ”  I NEAR WET MYSELF   I can handle blokes  an kids but this one   I’m movin way down the bank  if she comes again  ……………..narh just jokin  I’ll be on the other side   Good to see ol pinkie back and in form (buggar him )  twas nice for awhile to have someone to sail with today me ol mate john  he was having a bad day….. ……well he would if he was sailing along with me ay   long tall put on new sails that on the day failed  so an auction is going to take place but I recon it was just the day so I think  longtall should give them a chance and sail them for at least 6 months straight as for Ricky and his gay boat  ( mountagay) wait for predator cobber  your number is up preds boat now has a real name nothing gay about his boat  wasn’t uncle g a quite lad today  strategist dedicated  driven for the win  but still can be beaten   (soon as I get new sails )   very unusual for Grahame to be back in the field  musta been the weed   all in all not a bad day