RC BOATING YACHTING Sailing at Puddleduck Sailing @ Puddleduck 2020 Peter Smith Memorial Regatta Puddleduck Vineyard ~ 07/03/2020 Reply To: Peter Smith Memorial Regatta Puddleduck Vineyard ~ 07/03/2020


WELL DONE  ya all  top marks to the man in the rain the CECEL DE LA MARE of video  Mr predator     The fella who is   quite prepared to sacrifice his health for the many  From the video interesting winds nice race pattern   and I was quite surprised to see or rather not see on the podium  well done Speedy GonzaRogers   Now where did the pond gods disappear to Was Lisa  SOOOOOOOO intimidating that our lot wet their pants or as I recon whats happened  our mob decided before hand to let Lisa have our most holy trophy  for the SECOND time because this is the national woman’s week for chicky babes  I gotta believe that because how in hell did a chicky babe beat full grown men in a mans sport (an don’t enter into sexist nonsense )  OH DEAR after this i guess it will be between me an young Justin as to who the next pond god is gunna be