› RC AIRCRAFT › FLYING › Flying @ “The Field” › Flying @ The Field 2021 › The Day of the FOX › Reply To: The Day of the FOX
I just measured my Fox and its shrunk to 2.32 metres. There were good thermals for a while today as I had 2 long Fox flights. I also flew the HK Parkjet with a new 12 blade ducted fan for the first time after the 5 blade fan broke. My poor Drifter, F16 and Eagles didnt get to fly today. I have 5 videos as I got 18 video files from Rian’s drone (actually sd card inside his DJI goggles. 3 videos are from last week 29th September and I think the GMA needs reawarding based on these. We can have a vote and I say give to Rian!
Last week entry numer one from Rian:
Last week entry number two from Rian and myself as its of my Fox!
Bonus content from last week from Rian flying his quad around his folks house and yard: