Only the brave turned out today, being Mike, Dave, Ron and myself. It was cold and cloudy but at least no rain. But then the wind came up too after 12 noon so we called it quits and forewent the BBQ. I maidened my Joysway Dragonfly from Hobbywarehouse in Melbourne. Its a Skipper but more colourful and flew nice. I pranged my yellow cub due pilot error, and flew my Esky Eagles including some chasing of Ron. My only video here:
Couldn’t have said it better, a perfect flying day NOT.
Oh well the bonus was that I think we got Dave’s Razor all sorted out. He opted not to test fly it today due to the ever increasing winds.
Likewise I opted to not fly my Raptor FPV plane today. After changing the mount on the iNav control board it needs to be retuned in the air, not easy to do when its blowing hard.
Did manage a couple of flights with the trusty old Bix 2 sport as she revels in the wind.
and for all you budding Slope Soarer’s here is a bit of precision aerobatics for you to aspire to when next out on the slopes