RC AIRCRAFT FLYING Flying @ “The Field” Flying @ The Field 2024 A fine Winters Day to start the new Financial Year for Flying.

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    • #17120

      Gadget sure excelled today with his pick for a mid week flying day.

      The temperature never got above 10 degrees but there was a nice bit of Sun & no wind.

      We had a good turn up today with 9 regulars plus Kermit’s neighbour Pete joining in as well to hone his flying skills from many years ago, Well done Pete, looks like you remembered it all. No doubt we will see more of you in the future.

      As mentioned it was a near perfect flying day with many planes put through their paces.

      Only a couple of mishaps, Kermit had an ESC fail in his Wild Wing, Ricky had an elevator servo come loose in his Bix 3 & DavPep managed to hit a tree with one of his steeds & removed a couple of rudders (one of which still resides in the tree).

    • #17121

      • #17123

        Another fine video from the Toad Hall Productions camp.

        All in all a good “3F” day of fun, frivolity & flying !!

    • #17122

      THE new bloke next door (pete)  had a stirling fly for a fella  not having  flown for yonks  nice also nice was wicky just returned from the middle east ( hush hush )   can’t talk about that …we also had the pleasure of MR SINKER  playing with us  it seems the maid had a day off  ….AND  GG  what’s going on  what did he have to give to be allowed out ?  as for the rest of us…. we do as we please because real men don’t collect brownies  nor do we have maids ……just goes to show ….I did have several incidences flying today  but none worthy of the dreaded WALK OF SHAME   if the recipients of the walk of shame feel they were hard done by by all means complain  …………..to someone …….at days end my car keys weren’t where they should have been  they were found after an exhausting search  down the side seat  now how did they get there no pointing of fingers but sinker and GG were often near the MG  seems strange  but Im not pointing fingers  AN what about dear ol dave with that damn tree jumping out an grabbing his aircraft  that’s one bad mother tree there   It was a nice flying day …………………………………………………………………………………………..just sayn

    • #17124

      I’m not sure we could call my landing a ‘walk of shame’!  :p Not bad for my first landing in over 2 years! 😀


      • #17125

        Quite right Neil, you need to take the Frog’s ratings with a grain of salt most times.

        I thought your flying was excellent, especially given the time elapsed since your last flying exploits.

    • #17126

      DEAR neil  your concern about the dreaded WALK OF SHAME has been noted and addressed by the FLIGHT LINE committee who are committed to  uphold excellence in aviation therefore after exhausting examination of your case the verdict is upheld  the reason is   1  although you haven’t flown in yonks…… landing  ( twice )  so far away from the field is considered to be a infringement on rule 4  therefore the WALK OF SHAME is rightly given…  if you wish to take this matter further TOP GUN FLIGHT SCHOOL is offering at a discount for you to get up to date flying lessons  from our famous ace teacher  Capt Kermit la frog   Regards FLIGHT LINE  COMMITTEE.

    • #17141

      This is for all those that the frog mouths off about,  this is how to silence the frog:

    • #17142

      DEAR SHEEPY FIRST OF ALL  I strongly disagree with the first part of your commentary  and the second part was some what correct but not all of it lastly NO you cannot have my gumboots  ……………………………………………..just sayn

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