RC AIRCRAFT FLYING Flying @ “The Field” Flying @ The Field 2021 A quiet little Sunday Fly-In @ the Field

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    • #9911

      Only four players in attendance but the weather was great, the flying even better.

      I got to maiden the Retro UglyStik “The Great Pretender”.

      Copped a fair bit of flak for “going over to the Dark Side” & flying a “stink wing”  but in reality it’s all in the name.

      Hoppy flew his little Chipmunk Trainer while I flew the Super Chipmunk.

      Uncle G tried out his pet Eagle “Ralph Jnr” and also did a few laps with the Eyas Eagle & the Ranger.

      Moose had the Trainstar Epoch airborne for a couple of flights as his little Razor is still in the repair shop.

      Unfortunately the Epoch ended up in the Frog Pond when it lost the prop.


    • #9912

      Only video from me today is from my Esky Eagles Eyas. Usual view from the top of the hill and then around some trees and the Moose as he retrieved his plane from its water landing without floats. Is there no end to the talent of Moose?


      • #9926

        So many ugly loops and rolls I nearly was air sick. Looks like it flys great.

    • #9913

      My video from today.

    • #9914

      Its going to be a tough call to judge the ‘Not the Golden Moose Award – Amateur version’ between Mike and Gerald this week!

      • #9927

        Great video. A shame to see moose in the water. I hope his plane is ok. Good shots of tree flying and ugly sticking.

    • #9915

      Well done Guys and thanks for a great day

      Ralph is brilliant Kermit will be so jealous

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