RC BOATING YACHTING Sailing at Puddleduck Sailing @ Puddleduck 2019 Big Boats @ the "Duck" 3/10/19


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    • #3481

      Another great day was had sailing IOM’s at the Duck.

      We had 5 yachts turn up, not bad considering we have a few regulars away on the mainland.

      The weather was great, warm with light variable winds that made for some close racing.

      Took some picture’s, but having trouble uploading them?


    • #3482

      Yes the wind look like its light on  nice starts very even bunch at the first float ‘y things  The start float’y things  now look better spaced   good looking boats there uncle g  and I noticed the water level is up more isn’t it marvellous what a blank screen and imagination can conjure up  Forget he pictures  let every one imagine what at fantastic day you fellas had

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