GENERAL CHIT CHAT (inc Buy & Sell) Bixler 2 or 3?

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    • #7142

      Hi all,

      Just wondering.  Hobbyking have the Bixler 3 back in store in Aus.  Does anyone know – which has the larger compartment?  The 2 or the 3?  🙂


    • #7144

      G’day Neil, the Bix 3 is easier to access the inside of the fuse by removing the wings, the Bix 2 needs an access panel cut into the fuse below the mid mounted wing.

      More stuffing around to install auto pilots etc in the 2 but personally I still think the 2 flies better. No wheels though so you need to hand launch

    • #7150

      We all moved onto the Esky Eagles which has robust wheels including nose wheel for our sheep paddock. It doesnt drop a wing or even the nose in a stall so is a good trainer. It handles the long grass too. I’ve never owned a bixler so cant comment on them.

    • #7168

      I’ve had three Bixlers, (so far ) and as number three is getting a bit “lived in ” I may buy another soon. By the way , It looks nice this morning;any takers?

    • #10365

        Hi all, I have decided to get another trainer type plane so that I have something to fly when one is under repair. The Esky Eagle, Bixler 2, and Bixler 3 are under consideration. Bixler 2 is not available currently so may be ruled out. Suggestions as to Esky, Bixler 3 or any other that may suit my limited skills would be welcome.

        • #10366

          G’day Dave, the Bix 3 is a good trainer but I would suggest removing the wheels until you get used to it. A rough landing will almost always cause the wheel strut to break the nose off the plane.

          If you need a stabiliser setup for it I have a couple of FY-41AP Lite systems available for sale. This is identical to what my Bix 2 had installed when you were learning to fly.

        • #10401

          Dave, Bixler 2 PNF and Ranger 1600 are both in stock at Hobbyking Australian warehouse (Low stock of the Bixler)

      • #10404

          Many thanks Uncle G. I hunted one down and ordered today. Delivery in 3 to 10 days cited which I will believe when i see it. Thanks also to Predator for his offer to sell me a stabilizer to match up with it which I will take him up on after his return from a well deserved break.

        • #10406

            Query re battery and receiver for Bixler 2. The Hobbyking recommended battery for the Bixler 2 is a 1 x 2200 mAh 3S 20C LiPo. As I will need several I thought I would check with members as to any other which may be better.

            Also I will need to purchase a receiver compatible with a Jumper transmitter I have. The Turnigy 6 ch reciever I have used in the past with yachts and Razor glider is fairly bulky and of recent times has been hard to purchase. Any thoughts on this would be appreciated.

          • #10408

            David, Bix 2 needs 1 x 2200mAh 3S LiPo. I would recommend at least 25C rating & the higher the better. C rating does not significantly affect size or weight whereas if you increase the mAh rating say from 2200 to 3000 the battery is significantly larger & heavier.

            I find the H K Rhino brand batteries are far less likely to puff than their Turnigy (Blue) batteries and only slightly dearer.

            3 batteries is a good number to start with as each will give you around 15 minutes of flight time & you can always recharge them at the field (from your car battery) if needed.

            As for a receiver to suit your radio a Taranis X8R (if you can get one) or the Radiomaster R168 if you want to use one of my stabilisers, if using a newer SBus stabiliser then the RadioMaster R161 will be just fine.

          • #10409

            David, “Next FPV” have FrSky X8R receivers in stock (Australia) if you want to go that way. $55 ($86 Banggood)

          • #10461

              Ta for advice. Now have a Bixler 2 sitting on my bench. It requires batteries ( on alert notification with HK ) and  reciever compatible with the stabiliser offered by Predator i.e. Radiomaster R168 D16. Hobbyking have two versions of this,  D16 (LBT) and also D16 (FCC )  As I am an ignoramis on these matters could I ask Predator to advise which is the required for compatibility with his Stabiliser which I would like to purchase from him.

            • #10464

                Ta again fellows. Have found that R168 is also out of stock at rccrewhobbies as well as HK so have put alert me calls on both. Will revert to cutting the nose off the Razor to correct alignment problems again so have plenty to keep me busy for the non flying interim.

              • #10465

                Radiomaster don’t list the R168 Rx on their website, so you might be waiting awhile.

                The story is they had a copyright infringement with FrSky with their D16 Rx’s and stopped making them.

              • #10467

                  Thanks Uncle G and Pred. May have to have a rethink and change stabilizer and reciever to suit availability. Might discuss at Canal next Sat if u are both there.

                • #10468

                  Dave, the FrSky X8R will do the job, just cost a little more, they have both sbus and pwm outputs so will work with most flight controllers.

                  Still in stock here,

                • #10469

                    Took the plunge and ordered the X8R. Many thanks.

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