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    • #17207

      arhhhhh the fickle wind  both the wheel chair mob and the pride of the canal the floaters group  had a not so good day  No wind to a widdle flash an back to nuttin air  but that didn’t affect the wheelchair mob just incontinence you see the cold makes the dear ol dears want to have a wee weee here’s the thing their carer’s cant get em to the loo in time so that’s where their pads come in   but after a few wee wees it starts to rust the wheel chair bearings  an then it’s an ongoing race who or what’s gunna give in first Down our end  we don’t have that problem being young fit buggars an all …. but I digress  No wind and a cold overcast day right up to 12  we were so thankful for the BBQ time out  cupa tea  bikkies from the dragon an your own hamburger or whatever  ( an that remark was for china ) for he had a miniberger soooo cute  he insisted it was the cold that shrunk it …..yehhh   In total today we had 5 sailing  rather floating  bout 11 we had a sniff of a breeze ...ha we raced narh wasnt really   the ADMIRAL got the puff an from then on it was a no brainer   he who gets out first wins  I had at least 2ft of kelp wrapped around my keel an a baby seal nippin at the rudder  so I was out of it  China on the other hand  was waffling along when ever  he got a bit of air but the admiral was to many boat lengths ahead an with zip nunna buggar all wind  the tide pushed him passed the line  BUT IT WAS A RACE .  sorta like a wheelchair race who can get to the loo first    WE had a qiuck BBQ although it was flat calm it was still flamin freezing  so a few fibs cupla total lies  home it was  arhhhhhh homeeeeeee……………………………………………………………just sayn

    • #17208

        Where is the video…

      • #17209

        DEAR  GENTLE GIANT as a former student of TGFS video section lesson 18 page 102 section 16 clearly states  do not make a video boring  ….GG how did you not remember this  what is more boring than watching yachts  sitting still for hours…. clearly  after 3 years of study and graduating you forgot one of the most important criteria of video production  even the SINKER knows this  where’s his video    One more mistake like this  an I will be forced to remove you from the TGFS (video section ) hall of graduate’s  list   ……..dear dear me ………………………………………………..just sayn

      • #17211

        METH has sent an email   I quote… it seems that the bottomfeeder awards have the videographers running for cover film this week..  unquote  MY reply WE  the videographer’s strive for perfection in our art there for we will not relinquish our honour/pride  to please anyone that just wants something to look at.. WE are artists  perfectionists TGFS  video section  has maintained its hugh standard because we won’t produce  rubbish  unlike new video makers coming on line  who will remain nameless (at least till he returns ) Now knowing this DEAR METH  you may well give me the prize  by default  because there can only be one ….ME ……………………………………………………………………………just sayn

      • #17212

        The real reason no film

        the bottom feeder award

        has the videoiers running for cover

        this week first week of full blown competition

        and I truly believe they have buckled under pressure

      • #17214

        Dear danger mouse 🐭  I explained the reason no video from my point of view  so what’s your leaders reason  …fingers to cold to film Nothing worth filming  ohhhhh that could be it  In the past his effort has been dismal lack luster  up until now he hasn’t performed very well  but with you on his side he’s gunna win a lot of times   I recon…… all he has to do is turn the camera on an he’s won .  but there is a way around it …….you still up for lunch at wrest point next week   ……………………………………………………………………………………………….just sayn

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