WHAT A BUNCH OF PUSSY’S IS THE WORDS HEARD TODAY AT THE BEAUTIFUL sunny fair breeze day at the canal we four sailors had a absolute god send sail Sunny I kid you not just look at the sun shadow on petes and bulldogs shadow sometimes wind gushes ( nothing experienced sailors like this can’t handle) would erupt but mostly mild wind ….Bulldog Barrett was in fine form racing to the girl at the end of the canal with pirate pete hot on his heals ducks were a plenty so we played with them too THE GLARE FROM THE SUN SOAKED WATER was often a hindrance when chasing the ducks but pete got one right up the clacker of one an by god he quacked of quick soooo funny my apologies to the young fella who sails with us sometimes I forgot his name BAD KERMIT anyway he had his nice big boatie thing out didn’t sail long as it required some sail work but still he was out there sailing with the real men……. unlike some …an you know who you are an so do we ” pussies ” OH AN by the way the mooooose was spot’d down there behind a tree checkin us out to afraid to come out from hiding but we saw you