RC BOATING SCALE BOATS Boating Scale Boats Electric Christmas Eve Sail

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    • #12879

      A near perfect day at the canal, high tide, gentle breeze, sunny and no weed.

      Scotty again entertained us with one of his newly acquired Trimaran’s (Tip Shop) by capsizing it in the middle of the canal.

      He thought that he was going to have swim for it, but I loaned him the “Frog Catcher” and he managed to get it to shore.

      We were also honoured with a visit from Kermit, he was getting lonely again up at the jetty.

    • #12880

    • #12881

      WINDS WERE NOT KIND  but we sailed anyway only four today seems its party time for some reason  we had the pleasure of MR Stewart…  Georgie.. big bad Dave…  the Sinker… an little ol me   it was mostly testing time for sails and a maiden 95  brand new  for Georgie    sailed ok and  No Water  inside  NO finding the hard by any of the crew  good result Late starter by the jogger chaser  water troubles in the car   but he did get there an was the last to remove his boat from the water at BBQ time  THE SINKER ONCE AGAIN was after a sail  but as he didn’t donate to save the green tree frog  no one let him have a sail   the mighty wheel chair mob were down on numbers I was told that it was because their carers were out partying last night an forgot to charge the wheel chairs up  so they were allowed to sleep in   that’s what fruit loops said anyway   sooo friends and MR SINKER  on behalf of the floaters   ( the only real boaters on the canal ) we wish you all a merry Christmas and may your wheel chairs stay charged /

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