RC BOATING YACHTING Sailing at Puddleduck Sailing @ Puddleduck 2022 DF95 Racing @ Puddleduck 2022

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    • #10178

      Report & Scores supplied by John (Shorty Short)

      An easterly of 0 – 5 knots at the vineyard today and when the wind is from this direction conditions at the Duck are fluky. Only six skippers showed up today and I had immediate electrical problems leaving just five to face the starters signal.

      Jammy took the honours today by a country mile today winning five of the nine races.

      The big news is of course that next fortnight we will begin our DF95 summer series. Jammy has generously donated a brand new factory direct set of A rig sails as a prize for the series. (Thank you Jammy!) The series will be held over the next 5 fortnights starting on Tuesday 25th Jan.

      A different handicap system will be used for this series as the current one favours the better skippers.

      Each skipper will start the day with a handicap somewhere on the scale of 0 – 40 sec.
      Each race the first and second place getters will receive the usual penalties of 10 and 5 seconds respectively.
      The starting handicaps will be revised each fortnight. Those skippers who finished in the top third of the fleet will have their handicap adjusted upwards. Those who finished in the bottom third of the fleet will have their handicap adjusted downwards.
      The winner for the series is decided by totalling the results for each race day.
      One race day may be discarded.
      This system should be fair to all skippers so EVERYONE has a good chance of winning. There is no entry fee. Just make sure that you are in the competition.

      We are hoping that this competition adds to the fun of sailing at Puddleduck.


    • #10211

      Welcome to RBRYC Puddleduck Branch!


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