RC AIRCRAFT FLYING Flying @ “The Field” Flying @ The Field 2024 DID MISS PIGGY DIE

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    • #16281

    • #16282

      AS to the title ..NO ..  there were some problems with certain parts of her anatomy  but she’s fine  After a visit to his accountant UNCLE G the owner builder of the famous boat stands we all use  decided to forgo an interview with yanna went  from a current effair ( tv show )  in his refusal  to acknowledge  his stands have a structural flaw  i.e. can’t withstand a car driving 🚘  over them  and has settled out of  court (possibly)  to wit  new sections of the damaged parts  and a sizeable donation to SAVE THE GREEN TREE FROG 🐸   I believe this matter is now concluded  an we can all move on  unless he try’s to use his illegal swing arms on sinker 11 to catch rigging on the floaters group sail rigging  with the intention  of pulling them over and sinking them  then once again the power of the press with be sort ……………………………………….just sayn

    • #16283

      • #16285

        MISS PIGGY  was obviously still concussed  when this video was placed  for when I spoke to her she was fully aware  of what happened and did not direct any blame on kermit so I would say to this video FALSE NEWS  shame  BAD ANGEL shame ………………………………………………………………just sayn

    • #16284

      ACCIDENT REPORT from TOP GUN FLIGHT SCHOOL ( safety section )  The mishap on the day of 13 march  in the year of our frog 2024  THIS tribunal has concluded that the parachute drop  in which MISS PIGGY was slightly damaged was avoidable.  (one ) : The pilot chute container did not have the regulatory cap on the top of the drop tube  thus causing a down downward pressure directed from the propellers onto the open container causing the premature ejection of the pilot chute resulting in an inflated canopy. (two ): IMPROPER DEPLOYMENT: with a inflated pilot chute below the aircraft  the pilot decided to deploy THE JUMPER ie MISS PIGGY . at this stage the drag from the pilot chute released the main canopy from which MISS PIGGY was attached  causing the main parachute to DEPLOY resulting in a  spin causing the parachute lines to twist  at this stage the courageous  pilot released miss piggy at a low altitude as to not inflict pain  (THREE ) the resulting line twists was sufficient to cause a line over resulting in a spiral half inflated canopy . Conclusion: The aircraft pilot will receive a request as to why not to suspend  his pilot licence for a period of no less than  one week     REPORT ENDS …………………………….TOP GUN FLIGHT SCHOOL  SAFETY SECTION .

    • #16287

      Better late than never


    • #16288

      yep top notch as usual

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