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    • #12525

      It was an absolutely perfect flying day today & the Farm.

      No rain (for a change), virtually no wind & a balmy 17 degrees, climbing to 21 degrees later in the afternoon.

      We had a good turn up of pilots today including Kermit (Linal), Andrew, Gadget (Ron), SeasideMitch (Stephen) & Predator (Mike). We were missing the Sinker (Uncle G) who is still recovering from a very bad dose of “Man Flu” but reckons he’ll be back on deck by the weekends sailing @ the canal.

      Our illustrious President, IanRM was also missing in action, hopefully he didn’t get locked out (farmer Greg requires the gate to be relocked at the moment) but we waited for 5 minutes after the allotted time & then kept an ear on the phone most of the day but all to no avail. You were missed Ian.

      Poor old Kermit was a bit worse for wear today with some foreign body in his eye (from his recent tractor repairs) and giving him hell. He did manage a couple of flights though & I saw him on the camera on more than one occasion but you may need to forgive him for any “Soft Focus” issues today as I’m not sure he could see what he was videoing

    • #12526

      Really like the Osprey footage and is a strong candidate for an award. Here is a full scale one near me in Subic Bay that has been flying over us a lot. No new vid from me.

    • #12527

      Perfect weather for flying today. Well picked.

      Facinating video of the Osprey Mike. Amazing watching the transitions of the diferent flight modes.

      Here are excerpts of my hatcam video from today:

      Also, this is the glue stick I mentioned earlier today that I find works well on the 3D printer:


    • #12528

      Checked motor shaft and is 5mm.

      • #12535

        I couldn’t find a 5mm propeller adapter Andrew, sorry.

      • #12539

        Andrew, I have 3 x 5mm Prop Adaptors, I’ll bring them next time we fly if you can’t source yourself a replacement for your loose one.

    • #12529

      Not sure if Kermit will post tonight or not so I’ll leave the voting start till tomorrow @ midday.

    • #12531

      • #12538

        Another fine production from the one eyed frog. Got my vote.

    • #12532

      SORRY IM SO LATE with my effort  but when your half blind and your editing in brail  its not easy but  I have washed my eye twice an I think it may be right 12 OCLOCK  yep that’s how long it takes using brail  an one eye

    • #12533

      I thank the honourable Mr predator for the voting page to be delayed  it was at 12 the video was finally completed on utube   a nice bit of video completion  Soooooo all yous out there that can use your widdle pinky  VOTE  by  scrolling up to the top of the page  where it says the voting page  just press it ….go on do it  I dare you  THEN vote for Kermit  that’s all there is to it  an remember a vote for me is a vote for a peaceful nights sleep  …..NO bricks will land on YOUR lawn

    • #12534

      Thanks Kermit for the opening and closing shots of the video…… not.

      But i guess it filled the whole screen.

    • #12536

      Andrew  your butt was just askin  to be plastered on the video buttt  I did ring up the sinker to ask his advise as to doing it or not  SO under his advice I proceeded

    • #12537

      It looks like all of yesterday’s videos are posted so voting will commence at 11:00 am today.

    • #12540

      AS ALWAYS I VOTE FOR THE UNDER DOG so the sinker always gets my vote but as he wasn’t playn I gave my vote to gadget FOR HIS MIGHTY EFFORT   well done gadgie  an as the predator has this one in the bag  its ok

    • #12548

      Sorry people……I wrote my apology on some screen but I must have lost it!    Had a patch of the dreaded Lurgi which knocked me back a bit; AND now an inflamed foot……Gad,  sir, is it GOUT!  That may be but it’s painful.   Back on deck as soon as possible…meanwhile have fun! Cheers, Ian


      • #12560

        MR PRESIDENT SIR  you may like to discuss your problem with the Sinker because he’s been out for near two weeks with the dreaded  LURGI    although ….you don’t drink do you …… WELL that does it don’t bother asking him about your problem  Regards     KERMIT LA FROG

    • #12553

      Looks like the Frog has it again this week (The Golden Moose Award that is)


      Well done Kermit, a masterful video this week (even with your one eye handicap)

    • #12554

      Well deserved win Kermit.


    • #12557

      I thank the members for your votes there will be no repercussions for those that did not vote for me BUT  I do have your address  so think about that next time we video a fly inn ……………………………….just sayn

      • #12561

        Kermit, I didn’t vote for you because I didn’t get my Sunday roast last weekend.

        But congratulations anyway!

    • #12562

      No WORRIES  Cobber  I already know where you live

    • #12567

      Thanks for some great videos!   The gout continues here, but it’s coming  good, as they say.   That selfie stick and overall view is a great start to “”around the field”’, Mike.

    • #12568

      Your right  Mr president  preds selfie stick does a good job  marvellous  what can be done with the video editing ay

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