After a very successful FPV flight with the 3metre Fox glider a couple of weeks ago it got me motivated to get some more of my FPV planes airborne once again.
The final build/rebuild for 2021 is the 2metre “Prowler” Sky Climber Custom.
This plane flies beautifully but I was never too happy with the original pan/tilt gimbal as it had a tendency to move around too much at higher speed or on windy days.
Original Pan/Tilt gimbal
To that end I’ve stripped it down once again and am in the process of fitting one of my redesigned “Low Profile” pan/tilt gimbals. At this stage I’ll refit the Feiyu Tech FY-41 AP Lite Flight controller rather than upgrade to the newer Matech FC F411 WSE system.
Electronics & Gimbal removed
Straight off the printer (needs a little cleaning up)
More to follow, should be back together today & ready to fly on Friday.