RC BOATING YACHTING Sailing at Puddleduck Sailing @ Puddleduck 2019 Puddleduck Vineyard Racing 15.1.2019

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    • #2423

      Puddleduck Vineyard Racing 15.1.2019

      With a forecast temp tipped to be in the high thirties and a mostly Southerly breeze of just a few knots, it was always going to be a challenge to get near the front…… and stay there!!

      Prior to racing, a small clinic/workshop was held pond-side where aspects of boat set-up were presented and demonstrated by Col. The purpose of introducing this session was to build interest and competitiveness in our fleet and hopefully make our races and finishes much closer. For the five skippers who attended this morning, all thought they gained some knowledge from it.

      Unfortunately some of our friends were unable to attend today due to medical & family commitments.

      So with the sun beating down and some cool breezes occasionally making their presence felt, the merry men of Puddleduck assembled in the shade of the covered viewing platform for 10 fun and interesting races.

      It was great to have our mate Greg (Bones) #02  from Bendigo with us today.

      Bones attended the early training session and gained a first place in race four and a second in race ten, sailing well all day.

      Mike #96 had a ‘middle of the fleet’ kind of day today with mixed results bringing his average down. Mike is our resident photographer/video man and he does this (I don’t know how!) while still sailing his yacht.

      Ron #63 also attended the early training session and discovered the measurements he had been using were a long way out. Despite this his boat let him down today. I feel we haven’t seen Ron’s best yet by a long chalk.

      A very patchy day for our mate Geoff #79. His stunning early results spoiled by many close inspections of the pond vegetation. Tragically, it was an electrical problem that finally sidelined one of the stars of Puddleduck pond.

      Great to see Andrew #54 sailing with us today.

      Andrew does so much good work with the RBRYC as PRO that sometimes he misses out on sailing altogether. Andrew sailed very well, putting together an impressive first and two second places before retiring after race seven.

      Tony #32 was the big improver for this meet. Sporting his new suit of black sails, Tony was looking good and competitive all day, only slipping back into the middle of the fleet at the closing stages.

      After a slow start Pete #27 came storming home with a string of top finishes, culminating in firsts for the two final races. An impressive third place for the day among some strong competition is a great result. Well done.

      As the scorer tallied up it appeared that two skippers were going to be tied for first place. Stuart #58 and Col #72 had been locked in battle all day long so the tie came as a fitting result.

      On count-back Stuart took the day with one more first place finish than Col. Congratulations on some great racing today Stuart, your first place was well deserved.

      After 10 races with two drops the final results were.

      Ron on 61 points, Mike on 38, Greg on 36, Geoff on 34, Andrew on 33, Tony on 33 (count-back), Pete on 26, Col on 20 and Stuart on 20 points, (winner on count-back).

      Thank you all for your attendance, great sportsmanship and fine fellowship today.

      It was a great start to the season and I look forward to more close racing with The Merry Men Of Puddleduck Pond this year.

      Photo and video credits to our own Mike (aka Viper Racing Tasmania) and many thanks as always to our wonderful hosts, Puddleduck Vineyard.

      Next week is DF65’s, what a colourful sight they are!



    • #2428

      Another fine day of racing @ the Duck. Thanks to our hosts and all involved.

      Even though I missed the first half hour the DF95 set up school was definitely a worthwhile exercise and even though the winds weren’t kind you could easily see that all the boats (after tuning) were performing to a similar standard.

      Well done Col, and thanks.

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