RC BOATING YACHTING Sailing at Puddleduck Sailing @ Puddleduck 2025 Puddleduck Vineyard Racing DF65/RG65 04.02.2025

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    • #18380

      DF65 / RG65 sailing at Puddleduck Vineyard – 04.02.2025

      Fifteen keen skippers rocked upto to “The Duck” today to contest another DF/RG65 day. There were plenty of shorts, hats, sunnies and sunscreen in an attempt to keep us cool and protected from the hot sun.

      The breeze this week started from the northwest between 1-3 knts and generally strengthen throughout the morning with a few 10 knt gusts from the west and east to keep us entertained.

      Again, sailing on the water was hotly contested with some skippers unfortunately not always abiding by the rules and not doing required penalties. Please if you infringe, don’t wait to be asked, just do a penalty … we aren’t sailing for sheep stations. We want to maintain a happy friendly and enjoyable environment. I personally got dizzy from the 360s I did today.

      Six different skippers enjoyed a line honours victory and for the first time in a long while that I can remember, ol Stuart didn’t have it all his own way despite having 3 x line honours in the combined class today coming second to Peter Ross (Rosco) who finished on 17 pts, just 2pts ahead of Stuart on 19 pts. (Don’t know whether you have a nickname Pete, so I just made one up 😊) Third place went to Jammy a further 4 points adrift on 23 pts.

      In the DF65 only class, it was obviously Rosco on 15pts well ahead of tied 2nd place between Jammy and Smiling Assassin on 20pts with Jammy taking second overall on countback. Well done to all skippers whether you were up the pointy end or the other end, so long as we all enjoyed the morning with a laugh and banter on and off the water.

      There were some hard luck stories out there today but an honourable mention to Bloody Geoff who managed to get hooked up with another boat on a few occasions or jetty! resulting in some minor gear damage… there is always next week BG 😊

      Many thanks again to Sue (Scorer) with trusty guard dog Bonnie, we appreciate your help every 65 day. To Puddleduck crew, THANK YOU for looking after us again😊



      Coming up

      ·       Next Tuesday 11.02.2025 – DF95s

      ·       Peter Smith Memorial Regatta for DF65s – Saturday 15th March, 2025

    • #18381

      Hi Bodge,
      Great write up again. Thank you for that.

      Here are a few hat cam videos from today’s sailing:

      Race 2

      Race 4
      There is a mother duck with a raft of ducklings surrounding her starting at 4 minutes 20 seconds.
      The ducklings then form up in a straight line behind her and when I noticed this in the corner of my eye, I thought it was a SNAKE slithering along!!!

      Race 7

      Race 8


    • #18382

      Tell me please someone WHY is that after dodges write up which by the way is always fantastic and Mr Gadgets videoS NO one ever says thank you to either of them on this site perhaps  you would be happy with a few pictures of the ducks an a write up of  them splashing around  would you be happy with that …….NO .. WELL then you limp wristed sailors get off ya butt an say thank you ….often ……………………………………………….just sayn

    • #18383

      Hey Kermit and there I was thinking you were going to say something about abiding by the rules …. Yes rules, I am totally surprised,  btw thank you

      • #18384

        AN about stupid rules……..but thats another story………………………………………..just sayn

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