RC BOATING YACHTING Sailing @ Lauderdale Canal Sailing & Boating @ Lauderdale Canal 2019 Sailing @ Lauderdale Canal 15 June 2019

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    • #2988

      Today we had Moose, Mike, Kermit, Pete, Ron & Ross @ the canal for a sail & BBQ but not all made it onto the water.

      Moose was hoping to sail his Ragazza but a radio issue prevented that from happening so he had to settle on sailing the Frog’s DF95. Likewise Ross had an electrical problem with the Angel so he shared Kermit’s 95 with Moose.

      The rest of us made it onto the water to enjoy a couple of hours sailing in the light winds.

      We had a visit from Adam with his twin jet drive Patrol Boat & from Uncle G with his FPV Camera boat.

      Kermit played a bit of show & tell with a DF95 & DF65 hull that he has been repairing, looking good Mr Frog.

      After our BBQ lunch the Frog & I went home with the Bad Angel to assist him in installing a new antenna on top of his radio mast for the VK7VKK Echolink repeater. Certainly working well now as I can now access it from home in Lenah Valley with just my handheld radio.

      No pics today and just a short video of my Mt Gay 30 with her re trimmed sails.  She sailed well but still has a tiny water leak somewhere, I suspect it is around the keel area but will sort it out hopefully later this week.


    • #2989

      Variable wind day twas    but for a skilled  sailor there was no problem so I had a great sail but unfortunately Ragazza   refused to sail for the Mooose   “they say a boat and its skipper pick each other”   …….  so i guess the Regazza didn’t want Moooose to sail her  understandable really   who would want to be on the mud banks most of the day   So after studying my sailing technique the Mooooose paid the fee and was allowed to sail the Duck Hunter   an to be fair he was still rough but with help will improve  in a year or so  Then the big Bad Angel arrived ……his boat gave up the ghost after seeing the two green boats commanding the canal  an he also paid a modest fee  for the honour of sailing the Duck Hunter  ol Pinkie was in a world of his own today sailing near the top end of the canal after learning Mooose was going to be on the water so can’t talk about his day  the Reef Hunter  (Ron B  )was a bit of a disappointment he did not touch a sand bar nor did he do a Moooose an ram himself onto the sandbar (named after him )  I sure hope he improves soon…. lastly   a few weeks back I promised to be kind to the Predator  for he had a bad run at the pond no one likes to be criticised for their lack of sailing abilities but today he’s back Predator has his MOJO back with fine graceful manoeuvres he sailed his screwing gay 30  into the canals water and barely parted the water  safe to say he’s  back to normal    surprise visit was from Uncle G who came up to the pontoon to apologise to Predator for Ramming him not once but twice the screw’n gay 30  has at least a days work to repair her  it was fun to watch  but accidents do happen ay ………..twice       ps  I made $40 dollars for the day

    • #2992

      Not much I can say about this one except sorry Mike!


      Lucky it wasn’t a plastic DF65 or 95


    • #2993

      DON’T THANK ME UNCLE G  I squared it with predator  …….YOU HAVE TO LOSE TO HIM AT THE POND THREE TIMES  but he asked for you to not make it obvious   best I could cobber

    • #2994



      If you manage to get Uncle G to agree to this deal then we will all be trying to get run over by his power boat.  Seems to be the only way we will beat him at the Duck!!

    • #2998

      Good video production there Gerald, but should’ve gone to  Spec savers mate!


    • #3008

      There’s the old saying, If you can’t beat them – sink them!

    • #3009


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