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    • #18320

      I will be there  this saturday   ……………………………………………just sayn

    • #18321

      Good to see young Andrew sailing again today.

      Thanks to Scotty for filming the first part of this video, a bit shaky, but with a few more lessons from the “Top Gun video School” look out!

      Maiden for my latest 3d printed jet boat “Sinker 3”

    • #18322

      Geez sinker

      passed the video camera man course

      at Top Gun Flying School (video section)

      with flying colours

      actually I was top of class

      are you saying I need more lessons


      • #18323

        Maybe just a refresher

        • #18326

          Thats upsetting  heres ol animal  doing a fantastic job producing a video  for you and you go an knock him….   discraceful ..shameful   an i know animals good because if you pass TOP GUN FLIGHT SCHOOL  video section  YOU are good  and if you pass with flying colours  then you are among the best of the best  SHAME ON YOU ………………………………just sayn

    • #18324

    • #18325

      JUST FINISHED WATCHING THE SINKERS VIDEO  Im sure that scotty was the only  videographer  of that vid ..  moving on..  ……………………………………………………..just sayn

    • #18327

        Unfortunately this week’s winner is……… sinker

        After Mr sinker and Animal came down to to see how true sailors spend their time on the canal and threatened the judge with broken limbs and concrete shoes I was forced to to award sinker with this week’s canal trophy of the week.

        So much for all the times we have pulled the wheel chair mob from the muddy banks and then reward us by threatening the judge to win a weekly prize.


        Just…. say’n

      • #18328

        oh my god  our judge was threatened with physical violence   I was there when the perpertrators  ie Sinker and his adjutant approached the judge and made these threats but I thought it was in jest  but now the truth is out there  WOW  all for the canal trophy   For the safety of my dear friend the judge   and animal  the trophy is yours  enjoy  …why the animal .. well he did get a serving from the master  He could be next …and the judge has a busted wrist …….how did that happen ……………………………………………………………just sayn

      • #18329

        Thanks GG, for awarding “Animal” & me the prestigious weekly award.

        and thank you for pulling our members out of the mud.

        Kermit, I WON YOU LOST! ……………………………………………………..Just sayn

        P.S. Concrete boots wouldn’t work on you GG, your head would still be above the water.

      • #18330

        Lets take away from this travesty of justice a few facts .. it was ANIMALS video…  I lost .yes  but the safety of my dear bestest mate  the judge has prioity over the now tarnished canal trophy and insulting him after the award was given i.e. your head would still be above the water..his height shouldnt have been refered too lastly shouting …I WON YOU LOST!  is this what happens to those that get a maid  …a personality change ?………………………………………………………………..just sayn

        • #18331

          Do you want a lend of my maid Kermit?

      • #18332

        THANKS COBBER BUT IFN THE DRAGON GOT A LOOK AT YOUR MAID  I would never be allowed to toddle around to your place …thanks but narh

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