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    • #18345

      GENTLEMEN SAILORS I unfortunately cannot be with you today as I have a final birthday to attend  HAVE FUN………………………..just sayn


    • #18353

      “Final birthday” So does this mean I won’t get invited to your 91st birthday party then Kermit………………………………………………….Just sayn

      P.S. As Kermit won’t be putting up a video this week, being the nice person that I am, I won’t either.

    • #18354

        Too bad Mr Sinker I was going to give you the winning video for the week.

        Sure you can’t submit one…….. please.

      • #18355

        GEEZE  GG whats wrong with you  the Sinker has forsaken a possible win and you  beg him to put up a video ….he hasnt paid you  oh wait a mini he did give you an aircraft a few weeks back  is this a thank you or as I suspect  your off your meds ………………………………….just sayn

      • #18356

        Mr Sinker  yep your invited to my birthday ifin your still around and if your cleaning lady permits it  but this birthday was for an neighbour  now my age  he has terminal bone cancer and that bug that makes you forget stuff   I forgot its name …alzheimer’s.. and today he showed how bad it is   sad very sad  I think this is his last year .  I shot a bit of video  so his family will have that .

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